Conference Presentations
- Patrick, R.G. Medication Assisted Treatment for Alcohol and Opiate Addiction. Oral presentation presented at 2015 CORE Annual Conference, May 19, 2015, Amelia Island, FL. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Social Work Entrepreneurship: Designing and Implementing New and Innovative Social Service Businesses, Oral presentation presented at 2014 NASW/Texas Annual Conference, October 17, 2014, Houston, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Social Work Entrepreneurship: Medicolegal Issues in Technology Based Social Work Practice, Oral presentation presented at 2013 NASW/Texas Annual Conference, September 1, 2013, Houston, TX. [Invited]
- Patrick, R.G. A Web-Based Degree Program: Connecting Social Work Education and Clinical Practice, Faculty Development Institute conducted at 58th Annual Program Meeting: Council on Social Work Education, November 9-12, 2012, Washington, D.C. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. A Web-Based Degree Program: Connecting Social Work Education and Clinical Practice, Oral presentation presented at the 18th Annual Sloan Consortium International Conference on online Learning, October 10-17, 2012, Orlando, FL. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Social Work Entrepreneurship: Designing New Programs in Response to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Oral presentation presented at 2012 NASW/Texas Annual Conference, September 7-9, 2012, Houston, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Technology Enhanced Education for the Emergent Social Worker, Oral presentation presented at 57th Annual Program Meeting: Council on Social Work Education, October 27-30, 2011, Atlanta, GA . [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Computer Assisted Counseling: Using the Internet to Reach Out, Oral presentation presented at 2011 NASW/Texas Annual Conference, October 8-10, 2011, Dallas, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Using the Internet to Provide Crisis Intervention, Oral presentation presented at American Association of Suicidology Annual Conference, April 13-16, 2011, Portland, OR. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G., & Traylor, A.C. Evidence Based Practice: Gaps in Substance Abuse Treatment, Oral presentation presented at NASW/Texas 34th Annual State Conference, October 8-10, 2010, Houston, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Evidence Based Practice: Gaps in Substance Abuse Treatment, Oral presentation at the Eyeglass-Nueva Opticas Border Violence Prevention Conference, September 14-16, 2010, South Padre Island, TX. [Invited].
- Patrick, R.G. Border Violence: Using Science and Research to Deconstruct Myths, Invited closing plenary at the Eyeglass-Nueva Opticas Border Violence Prevention Conference, September 14-16, 2010, South Padre Island, TX. [Invited].
- Patrick, R.G. Design, Implementing and Funding Telebehavioral Health Networks, Oral presentation at the Texas Behavioral Health Institute Conference, July 19-23, 2010, Austin, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Integrating Quality Management Practice in Clinical Settings, Oral presentation at the Texas Behavioral Health Institute Conference, July 19-23, 2010, Austin, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Clinical Documentation for Substance Abuse Treatment, Workshop at the Texas Behavioral Health Institute Conference, July 2009, Austin, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Telemedicine and Substance Abuse Treatment, Oral presentation at the Texas Behavioral Health Institute Conference, July 2007, Dallas, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Clinical Documentation for Substance Abuse Treatment, Workshop at the Texas Behavioral Health Institute Conference, July 2006, Austin, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Developing and Implementing Quality Assurance Programs, Workshop at the Texas Behavioral Health Institute Conference, July 2006, Austin, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Substance Abuse Grant Writing and Funding Opportunities, Workshop at the Texas Substance Abuse Conference, June 2005, Austin, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Quality Assurance: What Does it Mean, Oral Presentation at the Texas Substance Abuse Conference, June 2005, Austin, TX. [Refereed]
- Patrick, R.G. Getting a Good Assessment, Workshop at the Texas Substance Abuse Conference, June 2004, Austin, TX. [Refereed]